They are all Bangladesh Shipping Corporation staff members
Published : 30 Sep 2024, 10:45 PM
Three bodies have been recovered after a fire on board the state-owned Bangladesh-flagged vessel MT Banglar Jyoti, a crude oil tanker docked at the Dolphin Jetty at Chattogram Port.
Two bodies were retrieved from the vessel after the fire was brought under control at around 2pm on Monday, said Mohammad Abdullah, deputy assistant director of the Agrabad Fire Service.
The third body was recovered afterwards.
Mohammad Yusuf, the executive director (technical) of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation, the ship's owning company, told “Three people have died in the fire, and they were all BSC staff members.”
The dead have been identified as deck cadet Sourav Kumar Saha, charge man Nurul Islam, and Mohammad Harun, an employee of the BSC Marine Workshop.
The crude oil tanker caught on fire around 10:55am on Monday.
Navy, Coast Guard, and Port Fire Service joined efforts to extinguish the flames.
However, Fire Service officials could not provide details about the cause of the fire or the extent of the damage.