Dhaka, Feb 17 (bdnews24.com) — Chaos and agitation prevailed outside the Bangabandhu National Stadium immediately before the World Cup opening as ticket-holders and journalists were denied entry for about one and a half hours.
Authorities later explained it was due to the 'security of the prime minister'.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner (operations) Rashidul Islam told bdnews24.com at the stadium's first gate: "For the sake of the prime minister's security, we didn't let in the audience who arrived after 5pm through until 6.20pm."
Hundreds of expensive ticket-buyers were seen standing in long queues at Gate No. 1 of the Bangabandhu Stadium and arguing with the law enforcers who were denying them entry without assigning any valid reason.
Milon Mahmud, a ticket holder, told bdnews24.com he arrived before five and had to wait until 6.20. "Many went back home being unable to get in."