Save water bodies for a sustainable future

These rivers are not just waterways; they are the lifeblood of countless communities, providing livelihoods to fishermen from dawn to dusk

Mahbub Al Hasan
Published : 9 Oct 2023, 03:42 AM
Updated : 9 Oct 2023, 03:42 AM

Bangladesh is a country of rivers and rivulets that resonates with the timeless voice of its people, carried by the flowing waters that crisscross its landscape.

These rivers are not just waterways; they are the lifeblood of countless communities, providing livelihoods to fishermen from dawn to dusk and serving as vital transportation routes for rowers, facilitating the daily commute from one riverbank to the other.

Despite their immense significance, these water bodies face an alarming threat - one that stems from our collective ignorance and carelessness. Plastic bottles, polythene, and various other waste materials are callously thrown into these rivers, polluting their pristine waters.

What were once clear, life-sustaining rivers are now inundated with waste from factories, hospitals, and household sewage.

Worse still, in the name of development, water bodies are also being filled up, leading to a severe increase in flooding. Low-lying coastal areas are submerged, leaving farmers struggling to cope with the aftermath.

Tragically, young children are put at risk as devastating floods ravage the nation.

It is imperative that we recognise the urgency of this situation and take immediate action to protect our water bodies. Preserving these natural resources is not just about safeguarding our environment; it is about securing our economy and preserving our farmland.

Every effort counts, whether it involves raising awareness about the importance of clean water bodies, implementing strict anti-pollution measures, or advocating for sustainable development practices.

Only through a collective commitment to change can we hope to ensure that the immemorial voices carried by our rivers continue to echo for generations to come.

Reporter’s age: 16 | District: Kishoreganj