
Pro-Palestine painting exhibition in Dhaka
Students of Dhaka University, Jahangirnagar University and the University of Development Alternative held a painting exhibition at Dhaka University’s TSC on Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023, in protest against I ...
Hungarians protest against new teachers' law, police violence
Thousands of Hungarians rallied in Budapest to protest against new legislation that would eliminate the public servant status of teachers
Tagore statue to protest ‘censorship’
A group of Dhaka University students have installed a statue of Rabindranath Tagore on the campus with the mouth taped and a book in its hands nailed, in what the students said was a protest against c ...
Students continue protests
Students protesting against the death of a pupil from Government Science High School in a road crash blocked Farmgate intersection and Bijoy Sarani from 11:45am to 1:15pm demanding safe roads on Monda ...