
The first kid in class


Most, if not all, breaking news share a common characteristic. They have a tendency of breaking your heart. Near the end of March 2014, several media publications, including bdnews24.com published the heartbreaking news of Musa Ibrahim never making it to the top of Mount Everest (as reported by ‘Nepal Parbat’, a publication under Nepal Mountaineering Association) and hailed Nishat Majumder and M. A. Muhit as the first Bangladeshis to summit. The news picked pace at the rate of an unbearable, confusing forest fire in social media and major television channels. Debates stirred – did Musa Ibrahim actually climb the highest peak in the world, or was it all a hoax? Why shouldn’t ‘the messenger’ from Nepal carry his name, and what is the legitimacy of his achievements?  (Read More)