
How to wear flat shoes?


This year, it’s all about the flat shoe but the trick is to choose the right pair according to your wardrobe.

Celebrity Karlie Kloss chose a pair of flat sandals while at the amfAR Gala during Cannes film festival - she wore simple gold flats with her navy beaded Chanel Couture number.

There is a plethora of choices available in market.

From varied colours, pattern and embellishment to animal print and sparkly ones, flats are ideal for those who like to play it safe when it comes to fashion, reports

Style experts of cosmetic brand Colour Me Beautiful have shared all the essential style tips on how to wear flat shoes this season.

Loafers: Wear with long and Cropped trousers, culottes, some skirts; heavy loafers with winter skirts only. For spring and summer choose bright or pastel colours which look more feminine.

Tips: They work best with tailored clothing and suits but the lighter pastel shades can be worn with summer skirts. Patent and two-tone looks give them a current edge.

The high front can make the leg look shorter so be careful if you have short legs - keep your tights and shoes the same colour. They are the perfect work wardrobe staple.

Round toe ballerinas: Wear with long and cropped trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses or shorts.

Tips: There are some gorgeous pumps out there so invest in them whilst you can. The low front makes shorter legs look longer. If you choose a patterned or embellished pair, make them the statement in your outfit and keep your skirt or trousers simple.

These are really a summer show and not sturdy enough for cold weather.

Pointed ballerinas: These can be worn best with skirts to show them off fully but also long or cropped trousers. Not ideal with skinny jeans; the skinny leg and elongated foot are not a flattering look.

Tips: Considered the ‘grown-up’ ballerina, it offers a more elegant look for going out (perhaps because it feels like a flat version of the pointed court which is still considered to be the sexiest heel). Toe cleavage and cut-away sides are also a bit vampish and feminine.

As with round-toe ballerinas, consider the colour, pattern or embellishment when you put your look together. Not good for large feet as they will make them look longer.

Slingbacks: Wear with trousers, jeans, all length of skirts and culottes.

Tips: These are also a good choice for a night out, especially in metallic, patent or a statement design. The pointed styles are dressier.

Again, the low front helps elongate the leg. For those who still like a bit of heel, you could graduate to a low kitten heel.

Any flats with ankle straps, T-bar or gladiators: Wear with trousers, jeans, skirts and dresses, but it must be bare legs only.

Tips: These look splendid on long-legged models but on shorter legs they will ‘chop’ them at the ankle. The short-legged should wear them with above-the-knee skirts and dresses are more leg on show will make the leg look longer.

This is the time to keep up your heel maintenance and pedicures.